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Showing posts with the label Korean beauty

Why Scrunchies Work Wonders for Thick Hair

  Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels Thick hair comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it's time to look for the right hair accessory that not only conforms to the width of the strands, but also maintains its durability. For those with luscious locks, the struggle to find a reliable and comfortable hair tie is real. Read on to discover why scrunchies are not just a fashion statement but a practical and effective solution for those with thick hair.  Gentle Hold One of the primary concerns for those with thick hair is the likeliness of damage and breakage caused by hair ties that are either too thin or too tight. Likewise, traditional elastics, such as the classic rubber band, can be incredibly harsh, leading to stress on the hair shaft and the possibility of extensive damage from pulling and tugging on the band. Scrunchies, with their soft and elastic fabric, provide a gentler hold. The larger surface area distributes the pressure more evenly, reducing the risk o

Why is Men's Skincare Booming in Asia? - Top 3 Reasons - 2023

  Photo by Ron Lach The men's skincare market in Asian countries is experiencing a significant growth. The industry is expected to continue expanding as more men embrace skincare as a regular part of their grooming routines. The market is also becoming more competitive, with an increasing number of brands offering innovative and effective skincare solutions for men. As a result, more resources, research and product development are being directed towards catering specifically to male skincare.  Asian societies have become more accepting of men engaging in grooming practices . Traditional stereotypes associating skincare with femininity are gradually diminishing. This cultural shift has created a favorable environment for the growth of the male skincare sector. Many skincare brands are increasingly recognizing the unique needs of men and developing specialized products that cater to those needs. Influence of K-Beauty The influence of Korean beauty brands, commonly referred to as K-Be